Arturo Sorhegui D’Mares

Doctor of Historical Sciences, U.H. Full Professor. University of Havana. For years in his academic work, postgraduate studies in Latin American and European universities also stand out. In his publications, Historia de Cuba, I. De la organización tribal a la dominación española (1492-1553), from 1990, as well as the co-authorships in the works José Antonio Saco, stand out. About slavery and its history, 1982 and with two monographs in the work Historia de Cuba: La Colonia. Socioeconomic evolution and national formation, from the origins to 1867, from 1994; Havana/ Veracruz/ Veracruz/ Havana. Las dos orillas, 2002. His articles and essays have seen the light of day in specialized publications in Cuba, Germany, Spain, Mexico and France.