Silvia Padrón Durán

Degree in Psychology, University of Havana, 2004. Master's Degree in Social and Community Psychology, Faculty of Psychology of the University of Havana, 2008. Researcher of the Family Studies Group of the Center for Psychological and Sociological Research (CIPS). She is a junior fellow of the 2006 Scholarship Program of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) and the Comparative Research Program on Poverty (CROP), and of the MOST UNESCO 2009 Program for Latin America and the Caribbean. She collaborates with the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television in advising audiovisual products for children and adolescents and in the "Fundamentals of television for children and adolescents" Diploma. Collaborator of the "Unial Network". She has participated in national and international events, and has given conferences in Mexico, Norway, Colombia, Argentina and Cuba. She performs her scientific work on issues of family violence, gender, childhood, cultural consumption and poverty.