Cintio Vitier Bolaños

He was a Cuban narrator, essayist and critic. He doctor in Civil Law. He is considered the great figure of Cuban scholarly criticism. He owns a poetry of the most complex of Hispanic letters, and an exquisite prose. He renovator of the Cuban national novel. Great connoisseur of the work of José Martí. One of the most significant Cuban writers of all time. In the beginning, he was linked to the Orígenes Magazine group, along with other prominent names in Cuban literature such as José Lezama Lima, Eliseo Diego or Fina García Marruz, known as The Origins Generation. He possesses a vast published work that includes poetry, essays, narrative, criticism and translations. For his outstanding work, he received several awards and decorations: National Literature Award, National Award for Cultural Research, Distinction for National Culture, Félix Varela Order Félix Varela Order, José Martí Order José Martí Order.