Salomon Susi Sarfati

Professor of Communication and Oratory at the Superior School of the Ñico López Party (1992-2000) and at the National School of the Union of Young Communists (UJC) (2000-2011). He has published several articles in the newspaper "Trabajadores", in the magazines "Joven Comunista" and "Propaganda", in addition to the books "Arte Oratorio", "Diccionario de Pensamientos de Fidel Castro", "Thoughts of President Chávez", "La oratory of Che”, “Selection of readings Communication and Political Education”, “The art of speaking eloquently” and “The art of dialoguing, discussing and polemicizing”, among others. Co-author of various methodological materials for the municipal schools of the Party and the UJC of Cuba and other organizations and institutions. He has obtained various medals and awards during his teaching work. He has been president of the Adath Israel Religious Community of Cuba since 2009.