Ricardo Hodelín Tablada

Doctor of Medicine, specialist in neurosurgery, historian, writer, essayist. Graduated in Medicine from the Institute of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba, his hometown, in 1987. Doctor in Medical Sciences from the University of Medical Sciences of Havana (2010) and Master in Bioethics from the Free University of the Americas (Chile, 2014). He has been neurosurgeon at the Saturnino Lora Provincial Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital in Santiago de Cuba and a historical researcher, specialized reader of Ediciones Santiago and member of the board of the magazine “Caserón”. He is a member of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), the National Union of Historians of Cuba (UNHIC), the José Martí Cultural Society (SCJM) and the Cuban Society of Neurology and Neurosurgery.