Jesús Ortea Rato

Doctor in Biological Sciences, University of Oviedo. Professor of Zoology and Adjunct Researcher of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba (CITMA), attached to the Institute of Oceanology of Cuba. Specialist in Mollusks and Marine Ecosystems. Author of dozens of books and monographs. He has participated in research projects, scientific events and oceanographic campaigns in Cuba, the Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Ecuador, Morocco, Venezuela, Mexico and Costa Rica. He has described one family, one subfamily, 12 genera and 308 new species of mollusks, mostly in Cuban waters. Editor of scientific journals such as Avicennia (since 1993, University of Oviedo-CITMA of Cuba), Iberus (1991-95, Spanish Society of Malacology) and TFMC (Natural Sciences Museum of Tenerife).