Alegna Jacomino Ruiz

Graduated in Sociocultural Studies at the University of Cienfuegos in 2011. In 2018 she received a PhD in Historical Sciences, Social History of Music. Her dedication to historical studies and Cuban sociocultural anthropology have made her worthy of different Awards such as: CITMA National Award for Young Researcher, Social and Humanistic Sciences Category (2019); First Prize in Musicology Argeliers León (2020), awarded by Uneac; Scientific Merit to the most outstanding research group in research work and in the promotion of innovative processes: Group of the Project of academic training in integral management of the Historical, Cultural and Natural Heritage (PHCN) for social actors and articulants of local development (2020 ); Mention of the Our Memory Award, at the World Festival of Artistic Youth in 2022. She currently works as vice-rector in the Vice-rector for Cultural Development and Educational Work at the University of the Arts.