Frank Josué Solar Cabrales

Degree in History from the Universidad de Oriente (2005); Master in Cuban and Caribbean Studies (2007); Doctor in Historical Sciences (University of Havana, 2016). He is a Full Professor and head of the Department of History and University Heritage at the Universidad de Oriente. He is a member of the Leonardo Griñán Peralta Chair of Historical Studies of the State and Law, and president of the Honorary Chair for the study of the thought and work of Fidel Castro at the Universidad de Oriente. Secretary of Scientific Activities of the provincial branch of the Union of Historians of Cuba (UNHIC) in Santiago de Cuba. Adjunct researcher at the Office of Historical Affairs of the Council of State of the Republic of Cuba. Historical-Social Essay Award "Juan Pérez de la Riva", from the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), 2017.