Gretel Herrera Durán

She was born in Havana in 1983. She collaborates as an editor for the digital magazine El Espectador Imaginario and has published in the magazines ARTES in Santo Domingo, La Letra del Escriba and the extinct Salón Kritik. She is President of the Enrique Loynaz Cultural Foundation, an institution dedicated to literary studies on the work of José Julián Martí Pérez, in Santo Domingo. Her training includes degrees in Art History at the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Havana (2002-2007) and Interior Design and Landscaping at the APEC University (2009-2014) in the Dominican Republic; Diploma in Creative Writing with the Center for Applied Literature of Madrid and the Global Institute for Higher Studies in Social Sciences (2016); She has a Master's Degree in Film Criticism from AULA Crítica (2015) and a Master's Degree in Cinematography (2017) from the University of Córdoba, Spain. She is currently studying for a PhD in Languages and Cultures at the University of Córdoba, specializing in film aesthetics. She lives between Córdoba, Santo Domingo and Havana.