Manuel Lamar Cuervo (Lillo)

Born in Bogotá, to a Cuban father (ambassador of Cuba in Colombia at the time of his birth) and a Colombian mother. In 1957 he graduated in Law. Diplomat and Consular at the University of Havana, where he later also studied journalism. As a cartoonist and cartoonist, he worked for various Cuban media, highlighting his collaborations with weeklyries such as Palante, Pionero, Zun-Zún or DDT, creating more than twenty characters usually for children. During his professional career he also worked for film and television at the Cuban Institute of Film Arts and Industry (ICAIC), his most remembered works being the cartoons of his mersonaje Matojo. In 1992 he decided to go to Miami and in that city he continued to collaborate with various humorous publications, until shortly before his death, which occurred in 2019.